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South Florida Real estate in 2017

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We have barely entered the new year and yet what is often on people’s mind is how is real estate going to be in the new year here in South Florida. There is of course always uncertainty what a new year brings you but this year could be very different from others. A big difference from 2016 is obviously the end result of the elections which brings us a new leader in the White House on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Nobody knows what effect it will have on the most important part of our economy. Real estate. We are fortunate enough to live where we live which is sunny South Florida. This area literally sells itself to the thousands of visitors and potential buyers from around the world. All we have to do is just minor convincing and the rest is already decided by the buyers. White sandy beaches, palm trees, mansions, celebrities, luxury yachts, cultural diversity and so much more is what we have to offer to anyone that has a desire to live down here. We have a “product” in South Florida that few around the world can offer and this why our real estate market is what it is and will probably always be desired by people around the world. Elections and economy will always have a say one way or the other but reality is South Florida will always be desired and wanted which will keep our real estate market hot to anyone that can afford it. It is no secret that the poor economy in Brazil, Venezuela and other south American countries are having an effect on real estate and retail in South Florida. This will probably continue in 2017 but there will always be other countries that will put their eyes on Fort Lauderdale and Miami such as China, Russia, Italy, Canada and more. Foreign buyers don’t only see South Florida as a place for them to live but an excellent place to invest with high rents on condos and single family homes. It is a landlord’s market so unfortunately if you want to live here you have to pay the price but then again who wouldn’t to be able to live life at the fullest with countless things to do and easy places to visit (hint: Caribbean, Bahamas, Mexico).

With that being said we do believe 2017 will be another great year in real estate in South Florida. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at 754 235 5505. Hansen Realtors


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